About Us
Pride Purple Group’s journey commenced nineteen years ago and continues with greater purpose now. With a deeply implied motive of enhancing urban living, Pride Purple Group initiated structures with design ethics, stature and elegance. Upholding ‘process’ as the key to craftsmanship, Pride Purple Group carried the significance of detailed structuring to bring touching craft into existence.
At Pride Purple Group, everything revolves around the happiness of its ever-growing family. Understanding how community living enhances lifestyle and everyday living, steps to nurture the community essence have prevailed along these years. From integrating new ways to establish relationships to taking care of each little need that demands attention; Pride Purple Group has believed in building for better living.
Growing into the real-estate Industry for over more than 2 decades ago has added more to the primary objective than just co-creating and delivering premium living spaces. Now, the purpose is to make premium lifestyle and luxury a possibility for everyone. And with this in heart and mind, Pride Purple Group ceaselessly strives to turn the thought into reality with each passing day.Core Values
To ensure a constant rise in the graph, our core values have been nurtured with sublime essence of giving. Where the first cornerstone stands for delivering beyond our commitment,the very next one is about giving equal opportunities of growth to all. These core values over years have helped Pride Purple Group grow into an organization of stature, mensch and integrity.
Vision sets the direction right. And at Pride Purple Group, the direction of growth and flourishing is backed by our vision. Our goal is to co-create 200 million sq. ft. of structures by 2025. Pride Purple Group also aspires to take up projects all-across India. Apart from these goals, Pride Purple Group sticks to its primary objective of making luxury a possibility for everyone.Our Team
Mr. Shravan Agarwal
Joint MD – Pride Purple Group
He is a Civil Engineer who began his timeless tread in real estate with aspirations, passion & belief. To uplift the scenario, Purple Properties was established in the year 1998 under his able leadership.
Mr. Arvind Jain
Joint MD – Pride Purple Group
He is a management graduate who wished to touch the depths of infrastructure development and has spearheaded as well as played a vital role in regulating and uplifting the functionality at Pride Housing and Construction Pvt. Ltd. since 1996